march, 2018
28mar3:30 pm4:30 pmOAHU: Shipwrecks and More: Hawai‘i’s Underwater Cultural Heritage
Event Details
Join us at the Waikiki Aquarium Classroom for a talk by Dr. Hans K. Van Tilburg, the Maritime Heritage Coordinator of NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, as he shares
Event Details
Join us at the Waikiki Aquarium Classroom for a talk by Dr. Hans K. Van Tilburg, the Maritime Heritage Coordinator of NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, as he shares news of Hawai‘i’s little know underwater cultural resources based on findings from a recently concluded landmark study.
Dr. Hans Van Tilburg, has recently completed a landmark study, The Unseen Landscape: Inventory and Assessment of Suberged Cultural Resources in Hawai’i, which highlights shipwrecks and submerged aircraft sites in Hawai’i. It’s the first comprehensive assessment of Hawai‘i’s underwater cultural heritage and many agencies and partners contributed to this important 3-year project including Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory [HURL], the University of Hawaii Marine Option Program [UH MOP], BOEM’s Pacific OCS regional office, Honua Consulting Inc., NOAA’s Maritime Heritage Program, NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration, and the NOAA Diving Program. He will answer questions like: What are the resources?, How do they connect to our history?, What threats do they face?, What risks do they pose for ocean health?, and How do we share their stories in a larger, place-based context?
(Wednesday) 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Waikiki Aquarium
2777 Kalakaua Avenue