Hawai'i Reef and Ocean Coalition

Protect, Preserve, Restore Hawai’i Coral Reefs

Hawai'i Reef and Ocean Coalition

Protect, Preserve, Restore Hawai’i Coral Reefs

Hawai'i Reef and Ocean Coalition

Protect, Preserve, Restore Hawai’i Coral Reefs

Hawai'i Reef and Ocean Coalition

Protect, Preserve, Restore Hawai’i Coral Reefs

Hawai'i Reef and Ocean Coalition

Protect, Preserve, Restore Hawai’i Coral Reefs

Hawai'i Reef and Ocean Coalition

Protect, Preserve, Restore Hawai’i Coral Reefs










Hawai’i Reef Ocean Coalition is a collective of scientists, local businesses, elected officials, non-profits, educators and activists dedicated to protecting, preserving and restoring Hawai’i’s coral reefs and ocean through public advocacy, education, marine science and Hawaiian values.
Hawai’i Challenges


Sediment run-off has a deliterious effect on water quality and marine life including smothering and abrading our coral reefs. Learn more about the impacts and initiatives to protect from soil erosion and sediment.

Aquarium trade

Hawai’i’s salt-water aquarium trade is lucrative and dependant on the inadequately regulated collection of wild fish (most of which don’t even survive capture). Hawai’i’s coral reefs are being pillaged daily.

plastics & Marine Debris

91% of all plastic for consumer use isn’t recycled, with much ending up in our oceans, harming birds, fish, and the entire ecosystem. We look towards education, alternatives, better recycling and styrofoam bans.


Hundreds of gallons of sunscreen is dumped into Hawaiian waters daily. Many chemical sunscreen ingredients are toxic to marine life and killing our coral reefs. Our focus is on education and legislation.


Runoff polluted with herbicides, incecticides, peticides can impact aquatic habitats including corals. Chemical concentrations of atrazine, chloropyrifos, glychosphate are on the rise with varying effects.

invasive species

Hawai’i is under constant threat by invasive species of plants, animals, organisms. Invasive fish species such as Roi can decimate a reef of beneficial, local fish.


Every year boat anchors and chains destroy fragile coral reefs. Mooring systems are saving coral reefs and marine life around the world. We need more moorings set up in Hawai’i high-use areas and education on using them.


Cesspools are widely used in Hawai’i (90,000), releasing almost 24,000 pounds of nitrogen and 6,000 pounds of phosphorus, contaminating Hawai’i groundwater, rivers, and ocean each day.


Fluctuations in climate impacts our environment in a number of ways including stresses to water resources and challenges to coastal eco-systems. Education, sustainable practices, preparation and adaptation are key.

Chemical UV Filters Banned from Sunscreens in Hawaii to protect people & marine life

common CHEMICAL Uv filters still sold hawai'i that have a negative impact on people & marine life

Can we save

hawai’i coral reefs?
chasing coral
“Educating audiences on abstract environmentalism is one thing; making them actually care about the inconvenient truth is another. Jeff Orlowski’s marvelous film Chasing Coral accomplishes the latter via a suspenseful study of the mass death of coral reefs. With breathtaking footage and sophisticated underwater technology, the documentary awakens a childlike sense of adventure in the viewer. By film’s end, you’ll see corals not only as underwater life forms but as dreamy, endangered neighborhoods.

Joining Orlowski are dedicated scientists and technicians, a group whose collective enthusiasm is rousing. Through painstaking underwater research, a few failed journeys and a massive volunteer network, these modern-day Jacques Cousteaus collect indisputable proof to support their thesis. Stats like, “50 percent of the world’s corals were lost in the last 30 years,” will put your heart in your throat. The time-lapse images they gather? Even scarier.”

Coral science
Caring For CoraL
Did you know that coral polyps are a fascinating blend of animal, plant and mineral? Learn more with staff in the wet lab at the Maui Ocean Center Marine Institute.
bridging coral reef science to policy
How will the decline of corals affect people, the land, the economy. Dr. Ruth Gates speaks with Kaui Lucas of Think Tech Hawai’i.
Fight to ban sunscreen
Think Tech speaks with Dr. Robert Richmond on the science behind the Hawai’i bill (reintroduced during the 2018 legislative session) to ban toxic sunscreen ingredients.

hiroc 2020 calender coming soon


mauka to makai

Sophistication of traditional Hawaiian self-sustaining land use practices is evident in the ancient land systems or ahupua’a division of lands from the mountains to the sea. Returning to a more eco-conscious, integrative land management approach may be the best hope for the future of the islands.

From the Mountains to the Sea…

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